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The environmental damage caused by pesticides is huge as compared to its benefits. Often sprays or other chemical pesticides can be carried to other destinations then where they had been targeted at. Pesticides are basically designed for pest’s elimination but many a times the pests can develop resistance to these synthetic chemicals and this would not result in their death. Pesticides can contaminate the land and water when sprayed aerially or when allowed to run off.
When these toxic chemical pesticides accumulate in the soil then it tends to reduce the fertility of the soil and results in poor yield of crops and vegetables produced by it. The well water when contaminated by pesticides can be hazardous for consuming as it may lead to many diseases due to its high content of iron. Recent studies reveal that pesticides have a major contribution to global warming and ozone layer depletion. Air pollution is caused when pesticides are sprayed in the air. It can be a threat to the wildlife if animals consume the foods containing pesticides which can cause poisoning in them and can result in their death. Aquatic species are also harmed at large by pesticide contaminated water.
Exposure to pesticides can lead to some deadly diseases in human ranging from mild irritation to defects in the new born, nervous system disorder, and reproductive disorder and in extreme cases it can even lead to coma or death of an individual.
Pesticides have been banned in US but in 3rd world country the usage is still prevalent. Some common pesticides used in 3rd world country are DDT, Endosulfan, Ethion, Lindane etc. Each one is lethal and can lead to a lot of deadly diseases. DDT can lead to chronic liver damage, cirrhosis, endocrine and reproductive disorder, breast cancer etc. Endosulfan can affect the kidneys, decrease in the quality of semen and even defects in the male sex organs. Ethion can cause insomnia, confusion, speech disability, nausea, headache, loss of appetite and irritability. Lindane causes chronic liver damage, allergic dermatitis, breast cancer etc.
The disadvantages of using pesticides are innumerable that’s why it’s highly recommended to be safe and keep the environment greener and avoid the usage of these harmful pesticides.