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Yellowjacket – Yellowjackets are boldly marked in yellow and black, with striped abdomen. They are approximately 1/2\” long. Their nests are located underground or in structural voids. Yellowjackets are often considered the most dangerous stinging insects in the United States. They tend to be unpredictable and usually will sting if
Nest Sites/Characteristics: White-footed ants are found in Florida, Hawaii and isolated areas of California. This species may be spread to other warm southern regions of the United States on infested goods and plants. White-footed ants nest in a variety of locations, and colonies can contain one million or more adults.
Nest Site/Characteristics: Thief ant colonies are relatively small and contain a few hundred to several thousand workers with many queens.Thief ants commonly nest close to other species of ants. Flights of swarmers begin in June and end in late fall. Indoors, thief ants nest in small crevices, woodwork and masonry.
Red Velvet Ant – Named Red Velvet Ant for the fine layer of hairs on the body, it is also called Cow Killer for the venomous punch it packs when it stings. Actually, it is not an ant at all but one of the 475 species of Velvet Ant parasitic
Nest Site/Characteristics: Fire ants are pests of the southern United States. Native fire ants rarely become structural pests. The red imported fire ant (RIFA) and black imported fire ant have spread to more than 13 southern and western states and continue to expand their range. These ants cause serious medical,
Pharaoh Ants – Reddish gold approximately 1/16\” long. Will nest in warm interior areas and may occupy virtually any crevice or structural void.Can remain active indoors, year around. Extremely large colonies contain several hundred thousand workers and multiple queens. They feed on a wide variety of foods, especially those containing
Pavement Ants – Small, dark brown and approximately 1/8\” long. Colonies can have tens of thousands of ants.Normally entering buildings forage for food. Nesting In soil under sidewalks, driveways, stones, logs and other concealed sites. Also commonly found under homes with concrete slab construction; ants enter homes through cracks in
Paper Wasps – Paper wasps are 3/4 to 1 inch long, slender, narrow-waisted wasps with smoky black wings that are folded lengthwise when at rest. Body coloration varies with species: Polistes exclamans is brown with yellow markings on the head, thorax and bands on the abdomen. Nests commonly occur around
Oriental Cockroaches – Approximately 1 1/4\” long. Dark Brown to shiny black. They do not fly.Oriental cockroaches are often called water bugs because of their preference for dark, damp, and cool areas such as those under sinks and washing machines, and in damp basements. This species, which is less wary
Odorous House Ants – Dark Brown to black approximately 1/8\” long. When disturbed they move erratically and emit an unpleasant odor when crushed. Colonies can have over 100,000. can become a nuisance when foraging in homes. Environmental conditions or excessive rainfall cause them to move indoors. Odorous house ants give
Yellowjacket – Yellowjackets are boldly marked in yellow and black, …
Nest Sites/Characteristics: White-footed ants are found in Florida, Hawaii and …
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