Pre – Purchase Inspections
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Nest Site/Characteristics: Thief ant colonies are relatively small and contain a few hundred to several thousand workers with many queens.
Thief ants commonly nest close to other species of ants. Flights of swarmers begin in June and end in late fall. Indoors, thief ants nest in small crevices, woodwork and masonry.
These ants forage in set trails. Their behavior is similar to pharaoh ants. Outdoor nests are found in exposed soil or under objects, in trash, rotten
wood and tree cavities. Thief ants commonly enter structures during hot, dry weather.
Feeding Preferences: Thief ants prefer high-protein foods, but will feed on sweets. They feed on meats, bread crumbs, fruit, animal fats, oils, nuts,
pet foods and dairy products. Outdoors, thief ants feed on almost any organic matter, including insects, honeydew, seeds and germinating seeds.
Control: Locate thief ant nests. Follow the trail of foraging workers back from their food source. Inspect for other ant species that thief ants may
be raiding.
• Dust in the voids of outside ground-floor walls with insecticide dust, such as Drione or Tempo, or inject voids with Premise Foam.
• For a perimeter treatment, use Temprid SC, Tempo, Suspend or DeltaGard G.
• Bait with Maxforce FC Ant Killer Bait Stations, Maxforce Quantum or Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait.